Terms and Conditions:

  1. Coupon Codes must be used at the time of checkout only.
  2. Cetrack is not obligated to apply a discount after the courses have been purchased.
  3. Cetrack is NOT liable for any technical difficulties that may cause you not to finish your coursework by a specific deadline.
  4. Cetrack is NOT liable for technical difficulties caused a specific state authority that does not allow us to post completed credits the next day.
  5. Cetrack is NOT permitted (by state law) to send you the course material in any other format.
  6. Cetrack is NOT liable for any typographical, statistical, or outdated information is that is inaccurate within the course material.
  7. Refund Policy – You may request a refund anytime before a course is completed. Once it is completed, only a replacement course may be offered.

Contact us today, toll-free at 1-800-371-7273 with any questions you may have about CETRACK’s online continuing education program. You can also email us at Support@cetrack.com or use our friendly LIVE CHAT feature. Our physical address is: 9800 – 4th St N #200, St. Petersburg, FL 33702.

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